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9 Responses

  1. Vincent says:

    I just got unbanned from a week suspension then I played gta for a hour and got hit with a 60 day suspension but this time I did nothing I’m am livid rn why did I get banned the second time for no reason the first suspension was on me I waited and I got banned again for no reason this time

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      there are several possible reasons why your PSN account could be suspended or banned. Some of them are:

      • Creating an account using false information
      • Encouraging or engaging in illegal activities, like terrorism
      • Sharing other people’s personal information without their consent
      • Exploiting bugs or using cheats to have an unfair advantage
      • Using PSN services to harm others
      • Cheating in online games
      • Sharing personal information of other PSN users
      • PSN account trading/selling
      • Using inappropriate language
      • Bullying other players

      If you think you did not do any of these things, then it could be a mistake or a false report from another user. You can try contacting PlayStation Support to appeal your suspension and explain your situation. They may be able to help you restore your account access or reduce your suspension time. However, keep in mind that every suspension on PlayStation Network is the result of a thorough investigation by PlayStation Safety staff and suspensions are final and cannot be appealed unless you have been suspended for an account debt.

  2. Jad says:

    I was recently banned for offensive content despite the fact that I did not send any offensive content. I stay in a group chat with four of my friends and do not move anywhere else, and none of my friends reported me despite the fact that I did not say or send any offensive content.

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      Every PlayStation Network suspension is the result of a thorough investigation by PlayStation Safety staff. As a result, suspensions are final and cannot be reversed unless you were suspended for an account debt. Once you have paid off the balance, this will be removed.

  3. Jack says:

    Hello, on April 21 my account was hacked. I called Sony and gave them information about my birthdate, the most recent transaction, and other things. After assistance indicated they will send it to administration, I received notification that my information was invalid after three days. I called them again after using the same information when I was hacked a year ago, and when they asked for my system number, I gave it to them. Once more, support told me to wait for an administrative decision. My account can be shared, and PSN has permanently banned it, according to the correspondence I received today. I never divulge my account information to others, thus I’m shocked that I was banned due to a hack.

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      Every PlayStation Network suspension is the result of a careful investigation by the PlayStation Safety team. Suspensions are therefore irrevocable and cannot be challenged unless: You were suspended due to an account debt. Once the remaining sum is paid, this will be removed.

  4. Henry says:

    I recently got banned for offensive content, although I didn’t send any offensive content, I stayed in a group chat with four of my friends and didn’t move elsewhere, and none of my friends reported me despite the fact that I didn’t say or send any foul content. Is there any way I can get unbanned? Do you need any assistance, please?

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      Every PlayStation Network suspension is the result of a careful investigation by the PlayStation Safety team. Suspensions are therefore irrevocable and cannot be challenged unless: You were suspended due to an account debt. Once the remaining sum is paid, this will be removed.

  5. Creedence says:

    Try to get unbanned

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