How To Use The PS5 And PS4 Controller With Earbuds And Earphones

How would you use the PS5 and PS4 controller with earphones and earphones? Unless you’re a late-night player without access to a fancy headset, the DualSense and DualShock 4 can broadcast all PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 audio via regular earbuds and earphones. Everything you need is a set of earbuds with a 3.5mm connector and you’re ready to go. We’ll go over how to use headphones with the PS5 and PS4 controller as a portion of our PS5 guidance.

Ps4 controller

How to Use Earbuds and Headphones with a PS5 or PS4 Controller

Please follow the instructions below to use earbuds and earphones with the PS5 and PS4 control systems:

Connect the Earbuds or Headphones

  • Attach any 3.5mm adapter-compatible headphones to the socket on the base of the DualSense and DualShock PS4 controllers, which are situated in between analog sticks.

Configure the Audio Output

  • When you wouldn’t hear anything right away, follow the appropriate steps:


  • To access the Control Centre, click the PlayStation icon once.
  • Choose Sound > Output Device > Headset from the drop-down menu (Controller).
  • All audio must be routed through your earbuds or headphones. Nevertheless, you might wish to test it out by playing a game.


ps4 controller on ps5

Retain the PlayStation key down until you see the Instant Menu.

Choose Sound/Devices > Headphones Output > All Audio.

All audio should be routed through your earbuds or earphones. You might want to put it to the test by playing the game.

Increase or decrease the volume

Follow the instructions above to access a certain option on either the PS5 or PS4 to alter the level of your earbuds and earphones. You’ll find a Volume choice, which allows you to adjust the volume as needed.

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