My PS4 Controller Won’t Turn On But When I Plug It In It Blinks
Have you ever had a PS4 controller that wouldn’t turn on but when you plugged it in it would blink? If you have, it will seem disconnected and glowing red when you connect it to your Sony PlayStation 4 console. This can be really annoying, especially if it occurs in the middle of a game.
Controllers for the PlayStation 4 are useful tools for gaming and other activities. But occasionally, rather than improving your game experience, it can cause issues for the users. One of these issues is that your controller won’t turn on but when you plug it in it blinks.
Don’t panic; in this article, we’ll cover 5 solutions to this problem.
How To Fix PS4 Controller Issues That Won’t Turn On But Blinks when Plugged In
A PlayStation 4 controller that won’t switch on but when you plug it in it blinks can be fixed using a variety of troubleshooting techniques. View our recommendations below:
Reset PS4 Controller
A PS4 controller may not turn on due to a minor software error, though when you plug it in it blinks. To fix the problem of PS4 controller won’t turn on although it blinks when you plug it in, you must reset it. The PS4 controller may be reset by simply pressing a button.
You can use a toothpick or sim ejector pin to press the button behind the left trigger on the back of the PS4 controller to reset it. Restart the controller now to check if the problem has been resolved.
Learn more on how to reset PS4 controller in two different methods.
Charge the PS4 controller
The most common cause of the weird behavior of PS4 controllers, such as when it won’t turn on but when you plug it in it blinks is a dead or degrading battery. Connect it to a charger and wait a few minutes before trying to turn it back on.
Due to compatibility difficulties, using third-party charging accessories can also result in this issue. Staying with the original charging accessories is always a good choice.
Inoperative charging accessories
It’s likely that the adapter or charging cable you now use isn’t functioning properly. Try connecting it to any other available device in your house.
You should replace your current cable or adapter right away if it isn’t functioning. Ensure that the charging cord and adapter you purchase are compatible.
Change the PS4 Controller’s Battery (If Out Of Warranty)
The controller battery may be damaged or dead if your PlayStation 4 controller still won’t turn on but when you plug it in it blinks. The controller’s battery replacement is a little challenging.
However, bear in mind that replacing your controller’s battery is only advised if your PS4 controller has already passed its waraanty expiration date.
Contact the Help Desk
If none of the aforementioned remedies work for you, you should get in touch with PlayStation support for assistance. A broken or dead battery can cause the controller to be permanently disabled.
You can ask for a repair or replacement of your PS4 controller if it is still covered by warranty. If it’s free, you should surely take advantage of it.
When your PS4 controller won’t turn on but when you plug it in it blinks, that indicates there’s an issue with the electrical power inside the controller.