PS5 Error Code (CE-107883-7) | Fixed by Experts

It may happen sometimes that you try to launch your favorite game on PS5 then after a while, you receive an error message on your screen saying: “can’t start the game or app.” with an error code number (CE-107883-7). So, what does PS5 Error Code (CE-107883-7) indicate? Why does it occur, and how to fix it? All of that you’re going to learn from this article.

PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) can be easily fixed

What Does PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) Mean?

When the PS5 system shows up Error (CE-107883-7) on the screen, it indicates a sort of data corruption in the particular game you’re trying to run. This data corruption has hit some of the core files that a game cannot run without.

If you’re trying to run a PS4 game from an external HDD on PS5 and you get Error (CE-107883-7), most probably there’s a hard drive failure or corrupted game installation.

PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) can also indicate that the particular PS4 game you’re trying to run is not fully compatible with PS5.

In some rare cases, you may get PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) if there is a power issue with your PS5, but that is very uncommon.

How to Fix PS5 Error (CE-107883-7)?

Here are several methods that help you resolve the PS5 Error code (CE-107883-7).

1. Move the Game to the PS5 Internal Storage

If it’s a PS4 game you’re trying to play on an external hard drive, you better move it to the PS5 internal SSD and try launching it from there.

move your PS4 game from external HDD to PS5 internal storage

If it works, then you have a problem with the external hard drive you’re using (learn more on how to fix the most common PS5 external hard drive issues). If the game still generates PS5 Error (CE-107883-7), you will need to completely turn off the PS5 and disconnect it from power before trying again (see method #4).

2. Redownload/Reinstall Your Game

As stated above, the main reason for PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) is data corruption within the game you’re trying to play. If this is the case, delete that specific game and redownload and reinstall it. Now try to launch it and see whether this has resolved PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) or not.


3. Stay up to date

There might be a sort of incompatibility issue between the game and the PS5 system. So, updating your PS5 system software regularly is essential in order to resolve PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) in case the problem is about system incompatibility.

updating PS5 system software to fix Error (CE-107883-7)

On the other hand, it’s preferable that you download the latest release of the game instead of updating an existing old installation of that game.


4. Restart Your PS5

One of the most efficient methods to fix most of PS5 performance issues is to simply turn off your PS5 then turn it on again.

  1. Once your PS5 is off, disconnect it completely from any device or power source. That plainly means to unplug any cable, whether it’s a US cable or HDMI or whatever.
  2. Leave your PS5 off for around 3 minutes then only connect the controller to it.
  3. Turn on the PS5 and wait until the system software is completely loaded.
  4. If you have already moved your game to the PS5 internal storage, go and run it. Otherwise, if you want to run the game while it’s installed externally, connect the external HDD to your PS5 and try it out. If it doesn’t work from an external hard drive, move it to the PS5 internal SSD and try your luck.


It’s not uncommon to get PS5 Error Code (CE-107883-7) when trying to launch one of your games, and it’s not something to worry much about. You have to worry, however, when PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) occurs with almost all your games. This indicates a serious hardware issue that you must quickly resolve.

PS5 Error (CE-107883-7) FAQ

Is it easy to fix PS5 Error (CE-107883-7)?

It depends on what causes Error (CE-107883-7). Mostly, it's easy to fix it, but in some situation it requires a specialist.

What's the main cause of PS5 Error (CE-107883-7)?

Data corruption is the main culprit for Error (CE-107883-7), which can be a result of a bad download/installation, a hardware failure, power instability, etc.

Will Updating PS5 system software fix Error (CE-107883-7)?

It's possible that Error (CE-107883-7) on PS5 is caused by an incompatibility issue and updating the PS5 system software can fix that if it comes with a resolution for this incompatibility.

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