Fixing PS4 Controller Charging But Not Turning On

Either a defective battery or a hardware issue is to blame if your PS4 controller is charging but not turning on or it seems to have very short battery life or that the battery is not holding enough charge to turn on the controller.

In some circumstances, a little error like a firmware flaw may stop a controller from charging or turning on. You might be able to resolve the issue by resetting the controller in any of these scenarios. By simply hitting the reset button underneath the left trigger button, this is accomplished.

The failure of your DualShock 4 controller to connect or turn on although it seems charging may potentially be caused by a degrading/malfunctioning battery or a defective USB port through which you charge your controller.

Unfortunately, changing a PS4 battery is not easy, and there are no inexpensive replacement parts available. Because batteries like the one in your PlayStation 4 controller ultimately run out, the controller’s battery life is shorter the more you use it.

In case you find out that the battery of your PS4 controller is the main suspect of the issue, you have two options: replace it yourself, or buy a new controller.

You can take a few different troubleshooting actions to fix a PlayStation 4 controller that won’t turn on. The solutions are listed below.

Are You Sure Your Controller Is Actually Charging?

One of the essential questions you have to ask yourself here is that whether your PS4 controller is really charging as it should.

The PS4 controller battery may be degrading and losing its capability to hold enough charge that turns on the controller.

On the other hand, the USB connection through which you charge your controller may have some issues and not providing enough power to the controller.

Yes, the controller light indicates that its charging, but that’s not an enough indication that everything is going fine.

Methods To Fixing PS4 Controller Charging But Not Turning On

Here are a few methods that may help you fix your PS4 controller that’s charging but not turning on.

Look for any charging problems

Perhaps the battery on your PlayStation 4 controller just ran out. Before trying to switch it back on, make sure you’ve given it at least 30 minutes to charge.

Utilizing the original charging accessories, such as the USB cord, is also advised. Additional harm may result from using an adapter and USB cable that are incompatible.

Also, try to use an external USB charger for PS4 controller. We recommend the OIVO Playstation 4 PS4 Controller Charging Dock Station for this purpose.

Reset Your PS4 controller

Due to a minor firmware error, a PS4 controller may occasionally stop working. You need to reset the controller to resolve a problem like this. You must push the little hardware reset button in order to accomplish this. To push the button or hit the PS button, you need need a bobby pin or toothpick. It is located below the left trigger. Press the PS button to perform the reset, and if the problem still exists, move on to the next remedy.

To learn more on PS4 reset, we strongly recommend this article for you.

Change the battery (if controller is out of warranty)

At this point, if the PlayStation 4 controller still won’t come on, a broken battery might be at blame.
If you’re interested, you can find tutorials on YouTube that show you how to replace the battery.
Get a replacement controller.

It could be permanently destroyed by a dead battery or hardware damage to the controller. This is the drawback of this item, and sadly, you don’t have many choices as a user. If the defective controller no longer charges or won’t charge at all, you should think about replacing it.

NOTE: Occasionally, a broken USB port (the one on the front) may cease to function as a charging port over time. This problem has been the subject of numerous reports for years.

You may acquire a charging station that charges your device on the bottom of the controller to get around any charging issues with the front charging connector. This is an excellent solution if you don’t want to replace the current controller, albeit it can be an expensive workaround.

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