PS4 Update File Error (CE-34788-0) | Fixed by Experts

A large variety of PS4 users reported that they encountered Error [CE-34788-0] when trying to update the PS4 system software. The error message states that the update file is not valid and it recommends trying again.

PS4 Error CE-34788-0 screen message

Some users could easily fix PS4 Error [CE-34788-0] by just re-downloading the appropriate file update and properly storing it on the corresponding USB storage device. Others were unsuccessful at all, no matter how many times they re-downloaded the PS4 system software update file. This post is basically for this type of user who desperately tries to find an efficient solution for this problem.

What Causes PS4 Error (CE-34788-0)?

There are several reasons why PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) would take place. This error basically happens when you try to update PS4 system software with a corrupted/damaged update file, and fixing that is usually easy unless you have a rare serious issue with the PS4 USB connection performance.

  • The PS4 system software update file is corrupted due to an improper download process. This might happen by a sudden and momentary internet disconnection that you’ve not noticed during the download process, supposing that your internet connection is originally stable and constant. But if your connection is already unstable and suffers from lots of disruptions, this is not something to wonder about.
  • You’re using the WRONG file update. Do you know that the PS4 system software update official page offers two files for download? The first is an update patch that you’re supposed to be using. As for the second, it’s the complete software pack that you use when re-installing the PS4 system software from scratch. Therefore, if you use the second file (the full installation pack) to update the system, this error will show up. So, make sure to download the update patch, not the full system file.
  • An unexpected disruption of the power supply during the update installation. The PS4 power supply might be defective and malfunctioning. Maybe it’s not, but at the moment you were updating the system, it has failed.
  • An error occurred during transferring the update file to the USB storage device. So, if you have downloaded the update file on your computer’s hard drive, then later transferred it to a USB storage device, the transfer process might not complete successfully due to an error in the USB connection, USB cable, or even due to an abrupt power surge or electrical short in the electronic circuits.
  • The USB storage device you’re using is defective, or maybe the PS4 USB port itself, or even the USB cable (if exists).
  • You’ve not stored the update file in the right path on the USB storage device.
  • Your PS4 USB port is malfunctioning and cannot read files well.

These are the most common reasons that cause this error. Though, there might be others that rarely happen. But in all cases, the solutions suggested below will hopefully “eradicate” this problem completely.

Official Error (CE-34788-0) Fix

Sony offers an official resolution for this issue published on the PlayStation Support website. The suggested solution is:

Displayed When Updating Your System Software
You’ll need the latest version of the PS4™ system software which can be downloaded from PS4 System Software Update page.

Displayed During a New Installation of the System Software
If you’ve tried using this file already, or if you’ve installed a new internal hard drive or initialized your system, you’ll need to repeat the PS4™ system software installation steps and make sure you’re using the correct update type and the files are placed in the correct folders.

1. Go to ‘Perform a New Installation of the System Software’ section in PS4 System Software Update page.

2. Follow the instructions carefully making sure the downloaded update file is saved with the file name “PS4UPDATE.PUP” and saved in the “UPDATE” folder.

Many users though don’t find this solution helpful, so they go search for additional suggestions. If you are one of them, hopefully, you’ll find your goal here.

Our Experts’ Suggested Solutions

Apart from what Sony proposed to fix Error (CE-34788-0), here we offer a thorough resolution for this issue.

1. Rebuild the PS4 Database

Rebuilding the PS4 database can resolve lots of issues related to the operating system, including corrupted files. In order to perform this process, please follow the steps below:

Rebuild the PS4 database to fix error CE-34788-0

  1. Turn off the PS4 system by pressing the power button on the front panel. The power indicator will blink for a few moments before turning off.
  2. Once the PS4 system is off, press and hold the power button again. Release it after you hear the second beep: one beep will sound when you first press, and another seven seconds later.
  3. Connect the DUALSHOCK 4 with the USB cable and press the PS button on the controller.
  4. Click on Rebuild Database.
  5. Wait for the process to complete then see if this has resolved Error (CE-34788-0).

Some users weren’t successful to fix Error (CE-34788-0) through rebuilding the database and they reported that the PS4 would restart and loop back into regular mode (where it says ‘PS4 cannot start’).

If this happens to you too, you have to first try to manually update the PS4 system software, or hard-reset the PS4 and carry out a full new installation of the system.

2. Manually Update PS4 System Through Safe Mode

The majority of the time, you can count on your PlayStation to download any system updates automatically, which is nice. But if an update ever fails—and it does happen—then you’ll need to grab the download and flash it yourself.

Before you start, you’ll need a couple of things:

  1. Access to an internet connection on some other device—phone, computer, etc.
  2. A USB flash drive with enough space to download the update (8 GB should be more than enough).
  3. The latest update file.
  4. A micro-USB cable

Note: If you’ll be downloading the update file with your phone, you’ll need a flash drive that’s compatible with your handset.

If you have everything you need, let’s get started.

a. Download the Latest Update File

First things first—grab the latest download from the Playstation website. Sony does an excellent job of providing manual downloads for users who may be experiencing issues.

Next, you need to move the update to your flash drive. You can’t just copy it straight over, though—it has to fall into a certain file structure. So, you’ll need to create a couple of folders on your flash drive before you copy the file over.

First, create a folder named PS4, then create another folder inside your new PS4 folder named UPDATE. Use all caps for the names of both folders. Finally, copy the update file you downloaded into the UPDATE folder.

storing the ps4 update file into a USB flash drive

b. Unmount all external storage devices

Next, you’ll need to unmount any external storage you have attached to your PS4. If you have more than one drive attached, the PS4 will get confused and won’t know where to check for the update. Just make sure you unmount external storage using the System > Storage menu—don’t just unplug it. Once the update is finished, you can remount the drive.

c. Insert the USB Flash Drive and Go to Safe Mode

With all other external drives unmounted, go ahead and completely shut down your PS4.

When the power light is off (indicating the system is totally shut down), insert your flash drive, and then press the PS4 power button and hold it down. The unit will beep once when the system turns on, but continue holding the button until it beeps again—it takes about seven seconds. This second beep means the system is entering Safe Mode.

d. Working on Safe Mode

When the system turns on, connect a DualShock controller over USB, and then press the PS button.

When the Safe Mode menu loads, select “Update System Software” to launch the update menu.

On the next screen, choose the “Update from USB Storage Device” option. If you haven’t already connected your flash drive, you’ll have a chance to do so now. Just select “OK” to continue when your drive is connected.

Your PS4 will take a few minutes to search for the update file, and then it should tell you there’s a system update available. Click “Next” to install the update.

The PS4 will take a few seconds to copy the update file from the flash drive. When that’s done, click the “Update” button to restart the system and install the update.

After the PS4 restarts, it begins the update. Just let it do its thing while you chill out. When it’s finished, the PS4 will restart again, and you should be running the newest version.

Done and done.

3. Full-Initialize the PS4

Initialize the PS4 via the Safe Mode in order to fix Error CE-34788-0

If your PS4 is crashing on you, experiencing all sorts of glitches, freezes, save errors, connectivity issues, and so on, a full initialization can restore the device to proper working order.

Fully initializing a PlayStation 4 will erase all of the data on the console, from saving info to images and videos and more, so make sure you back up your console before doing a reset.

So, that said, when you try your best to fix any error on the PS4 and you eventually fail, the PS4 initialization is a must here. We recommend initializing the PS4 through the Safe Mode. Once you log into the Safe Mode, pick option #7 in order to perform a full initialization with a new and fresh system software installation.

This shall fix Error (CE-34788-0) if it’s a software issue. But if it’s a hardware issue, you have first to consider repairing the PS4 internal hard drive.

4. Repair the PS4 Hard Drive

It’s very likely when the PS4 hard drive malfunctions that the system behaves weirdly and errors occurred. Although we always recommend upgrading the PS4 hard drive to a more solid and powerful drive, you can still try to repair the current one.

Do you know that if the PS4 hard drive has bad sectors, which happens so often, data will be corrupted and the system starts generating errors?

The reality of bad sectors brings home a chilling fact — even if your hard drive is otherwise working properly, it’s possible for a bad sector to develop and corrupt some of your data. This is another reason why you should always back up your data — multiple copies are the only thing that will prevent bad sectors and other issues from ruining your hard drive’s data.

The only way to eliminate the bad sectors on the PS4 hard drive is to connect it to a PC and run a full format. Please view our PS4 internal hard drive guide for more details.


Fixing Error (CE-34788-0) is not something difficult to do, you just need to try different ways. Sometimes it’s just the USB flash drive that needs to change, or the update file was incorrectly downloaded. In some cases, the hard drive itself has to be repaired due to bad sectors affecting its functionality. In all cases, Error (CE-34788-0) is one of the easy errors to fix. Therefore, don’t panic if it happens to you as all the suggested solutions are easy to implement.

Questions & Answers

What Does PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) mean?

PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) basically indicates that your system cannot update through the update file you have provided.

Why does PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) Occur?

PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) occurs because the update file you're trying to use to update PS4 system software is not usable due to corruption of the file or malfunction of the USB connection.

Can PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) be easily fixed?

Usually PS4 Error (CE-34788-0) is an easy problem to fix. In some cases it can be resolved by just redownloading the update file or changing the USB storage device. But if it's discovered that the PS4 USB port is malfunctioning, this requires a technician to fix.

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4 Responses

  1. Alvaro says:

    PS4 advised me to install a new software with the help of an external USB because the current version has a bug. I downloaded the PS4 software from the Sony website, but it stopped functioning after that. Does anyone have the same issue or know how to fix it?

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      The software update for the system has failed. Restart your PlayStation®4 system and, if at all possible, use a wired Internet connection to update the system software. Choose Notifications from the PS4 function area, click the OPTIONS button > Delete while selecting the update file. Choose Settings > System Software Update next.

  2. Adam says:

    If I encounter the problem CE-34788-0, am I screwed?
    Consequently, I encountered a different screen than usual when attempting to turn on my PS4 today. The screen instructed me to use a USB stick to install an update file. The last time I used the PS4, I had unplugged it, so I reasoned that was why. Last night, I forgot to turn off my PS4 the proper manner since I was too tired. That was very foolish of me, I found out the hard way. Anyway, I did it, connected my USB stick, and waited for it to automatically fix. not so, but. It didn’t work, it told me in a lengthy message that finished in CE-34788-0.

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      Make sure you downloaded the right file, please. Make sure the file names and folder names are accurate. Use uppercase letters when entering the folder and file names. The latest update is available for download from the PlayStation®4 system software page.

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