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6 Responses

  1. Gordan says:

    Has anyone been banned on PS4 with the ban code WS-37337-3? I want to know how long it will take to unblock me

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      Sony will decide how serious they believe the transgression was and how long the ban will last. The only way to find out how long the ban will last is to contact the PlayStation support team.

  2. Dive says:

    So my friend got suspended yesterday and a message in the morning popped up with the code WS-37337-3.

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      If you can’t access PlayStation Network on your PlayStation 4 and get the WS-37337-3 error, it means your PSN account has been suspended. “Access to PlayStation Network by this account has been banned or temporarily

  3. Danial says:

    My friend was this suspended yesterday, and the notice with the code WS-37337-3 appeared in the morning.

    He was instructed to check his email for additional information and the duration of the suspension, but he never received one. I made an effort to research the code to find out additional information. The majority of videos informed me that the ban might run anywhere between 3 days and a year and that the email specifies the precise duration. I attempted to contact PS support regarding the email, but they refused to assist with PS suspensions. Any recommendations about what he ought to do?

    • PlayStation Expert says:

      Have you followed the instructions illustrated in this article? Please confirm before asking for further assistance. Thanks

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